Courtney Heuer's Page
Courtney Heuer's Page
Goal: $100
Goal: $100
$65.00 raised by 2 donors
$65.00 raised by 2 donors

Hey All, friends, family, community, 

This year myself and my Family will be attending the Recovery Walk in Ocean City, MD.

I have been in Recovery for 7 years now as of 7/4/2017 was the first day of my journey; for those who personally know me, you know that the number "7" has been a huge companion in 'coincidence' of mine throughout my revovery journey. 
Seeing that this event is being held on the 7th day in September in my 7th year of recovery during my 7 year relationship with Thomas that brought me my both my boys, and opportunities of life changing magnitude, it seemed as if it was a sign that I become even more active in giving back what I've gained in my recovery.

The freedom and growth I have gained in these past 7 years are irreplaceable experiences of joy, wonder, pain, surrender, acceptance, and discovery of self. I owe the entire life im living and all the privilege I have today, to choosing recovery and freedom daily- I am adamant in my passion on doing more in my career in the Human Services Field and continuing my education to further that career and reach more people struggling with SUD/MH.

I would be honored in any way that any of you, my friends, my family or just those who believe in our recovery journey's, are willing to help me spread more awareness around addiction, recovery and menta health issues that plague our loved ones and society still today. Share, join, donate, spread the word. WE CAN RECOVER, WE DO RECOVER. 

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Recent contributors

2 donations have been made to this participant.
Michael Blough
Ben Degenhard

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