Kathryn Davis-Germano's Page
Kathryn Davis-Germano's Page
Goal: $250
Goal: $250
$250.00 raised by 7 donors
$250.00 raised by 7 donors

I'm participating in this year's Walk For Recovery to raise funds for The Atlantic Club  (https://atlanticclubocmd.org/ )  and Worchester Goes Purple (https://worcestergoespurple.net/about-us/) Both organizations provide important services and support for individuals and families dealing with the disease of addiction. I hope you will make a donation in support of their good work. Thank you. Kathy

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Recent contributors

7 donations have been made to this participant.
Gloria & James Merek
Paulette Hollman
Jennifer OHare
Misty Glorioso
Damon & Audra Albert
Kenny and Denna Stapleton
Fred Germano

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