Emily Sachs Page
Emily Sachs Page
Member of Recovery Camels team
Member of Recovery Camels team
Goal: $1000
Goal: $1000

I am raising money this year in honor of Kelley Green and her tireless work to help addicts and alchoholics reach sobriety. I am committing to bike the boardwalk 10 miles which when I got sober would not have been something I could have imagined doing ! She has recently passed away in the last year and I miss her dearly as many of you do as well. She got me involved with the walk and spent many a day and hour helping me get sober!! She also dedicated her life to helping others in so many ways but mainly to working with those in need of a sober life. I wouldn't be the person I am without her! I know the walk is in a week but I truly believe with your help we can raise 1000.00 to further help those in need of a better life! Thank you!

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